
back to section start!
  The idea of this guide is to introduce users to some of the basic functions 
of Directory Opus' ARexx interface, hoping to allow the user to expand upon and 
create scripts of their own. 
  This tutorial will not provide examples of every command available, I'd be 
here from now until Christmas trying to do that, rather it will attempt to 
show you a general cross-section of the commands available and the context 
in which these commands are used by using small demonstration scripts that 
can be executed from within this guide. 
  The DOpus ARexx command interface has been split into three base commands, 
with parameters and sub-commands specifying what action should be performed. 
  From the DOpus manual, the three base commands are: 
 -  dopus   (for access to things not falling into the two categories below). 
 -  lister   (manipulates lister information, attributes, entries, etc). 
 -  command  (allows you to call the internal commands of DOpus from ARexx). 
  The end of this guide will include some simple 'ARexx modules', and a 
'custom handler' example to illustrate how these commands can all be used 
to extend the power of DOpus.  Some of the more powerful ARexx commands will 
be described in this section, as they are uniquely suited to these functions. 
  All the examples in this tutorial can be found in the DOpus5:Help/TuteRexx 
directory.  In all except a very few cases, they can be run from a shell. 
They can be used as a basis for your own script, or as a drop-in subroutine 
for your script. 
  See the  Resources  section for more information regarding sources 
of Directory Opus information and help. 

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